
To Introduce, Educate, Teach and Develop Music and the Arts to Disadvantaged

Children – Teens – Adults

“One Note at a Time”

Our vision is to create new inspirations; accomplishments and individual self-esteem through music education and piano performance. Learning to play a musical instrument also develops cognitive abilities and patterns of awareness and enhances motor skill dexterity.

Learning to play the piano evokes confidence, expression and passion! Communicating and interacting with their peers in a healthy setting can foster and nurture better social skills in life.

Of particular concern to us are the children whose parents who are incarcerated.  These children are at higher risk for emotional and behavioral problems than most others and we have learned from experience they can benefit greatly from musical opportunities.

Every year PBS features gifted young concert pianists performing at Carnegie Hall on Steinway concert grand pianos between the ages of 10-17 years old! Will Colorado’s under-privileged and abused children ever have this opportunity to pursue? Unless we build a bridge and provide a pathway – they never will!

Poverty, neglect, abuse, abandonment and depression can destroy a child’s dream for life!

Building Bridges: Positive Talent With Positive Music!

Negative Music in Today’s Teen Culture Promotes: Anger, Suicide, Drugs, Disrespect, Racism, Violence, and Hate

“In order to cultivate role models in our society through the creative channels of music and the arts, it is paramount that the pathway to leadership be open to the underprivileged.”

Kenneth Trujillo, President and Founder – Piano Pathways of Colorado

Are the brains of children raised in poverty different from those of non-impoverished children? Modern science says they are and in very significant ways. Modern neuroscience has shed enormous light on how children think and grow. Recently, this research has examined the impact of poverty and negative music on the brains of children exposed to it.

(Source: Frank Kros, Executive VP, The Children’s Guild)

Enriching and Educating ‘One Child’ at a Time–Through Positive Music–is our Priority!

Our mission is to bring music education, positive influence, and encouragement, by learning to play piano, into the homes and lives of our children, teens, adults and seniors who otherwise would not have the opportunity. We want to make available, for that ‘one’ person, whether their need be financial, emotional, or social, a chance to take piano lessons in the most advanced state-of-the-art teaching facility along with their peers, in a safe, structured and supportive educational environment. As one of several incentives, those that apply themselves and demonstrate ability, character, determination, and desire, will be eligible for ongoing classes and the chance to receive grants and scholarships for continued higher education, or possibly, a brand new piano to last a lifetime, during our annual fundraising Colorado’s Children Music Fest! Building bridges for the future through music is what Piano Pathways of Colorado is committed to accomplish and to treasure!

Every year PBS features gifted young concert pianists between the ages of 10 and 17 performing at Carnegie Hall on Steinway concert grand pianos! Will Colorado’s under-privileged and abused children ever have this opportunity to pursue? Unless we build a bridge and provide a pathway–they never will! Poverty, neglect, abuse, abandonment and depression can destroy a child’s dream for life!